Pink and Blue Quilt Continued
Hi Everyone, welcome back again.
I haven’t really got to much to update you on this week. Last week’s goals were to finish the applique on the centrepiece, add a border to the centrepiece, and then piece all the blocks together ready for a whole quilt border this week. I would like to say I got that all done, but that would be a lie. I have at least finished off the applique so it is ready for its border, the only problem is I can’t find the right fabric. I might have to go shopping today after the kids wake up from their naps.
So this week’s goals are:
Add border to centrepiece
Piece all the blocks together
Add border (possibly two) to the whole quilt
Figure out possible applique designs for main border
Also in the not too distant future I need to make some boosters for Johannes’ nappies. I’m hoping to get this quilt top finished first though so I can pack away all of the pinks and blues I’ve got lying about the place before I get out my nappy fabric and make an even bigger mess! I really do need to make myself a hat at some point too…
This is why I need to get the quilt top finished before I work on Johannes’ nappies, there is more than enough mess as it is without adding in a second project!
Well that’s the plan for this week. I’m expecting Johannes to wake up any minute now, I might be able to squeeze in a little bit of time writing up the pattern first though.
Till next time, Keep On Stitcing!