Pads, Nappies, and a Baby!

Hi all. It's been another long wait in between posts, I know. In my last post I shared the exciting news of our new house, using that as an excuse for why I had not been sewing or posting. That was really only half of the reason however, the other half is this little Goober that I have growing inside me!

12 Weeks2.jpg

After moving this little one was causing me so much grief in the way of all day sickness and fatigue at the beginning and then added in the horrible back pain just a couple of months later and so my sewing room was left a pile of boxes for much longer than planned. Now that I have my sewing room in a usable state (though still with a lot of boxes to sort out) I am back to it. There is not much quilting happening here at the moment though as I have lots of things to sew up for this little one's arrival.

Just recently I finished up sewing a stack of postpartum pads for myself. These are made of a cotton knit for both the top and back, 3 layers of flannelette, two of zorb and a hidden layer of PUL for water proofing. These pads will also become my night time pads after the postpartum stage.

I used the Daisy and Bird pattern La Luna for these pads. I cut out the 14 inch size and then trimmed down the front a bit as I typically don't need as much at the front as the back. I also ended up cutting the wings off the pattern and cutting them out separately and then added them in to the side seams. I was then able to fold them towards the back before top stitching. I'm hoping that this will lessen the problem of run-off down the wings. Having the wings top stitched to the back also differentiates the front and back if you have used the same fabric for both. I've still got a few months before these will be needed, so you'll have to wait to find out how I like them.

Now that my pads are done, it's time for me to get stuck into nappy covers, bibs and burp cloths. I have made two nappy covers so far as testers before I make up the rest of my stash. The nappy on the right is the first one which was made according to the Pure Nappiness pattern instructions, the left was made using the same pattern but with a few tweaks. I had a friend test out the first nappy for me on her two boys of roughly 2 years and 5 months of age and she was able to give me some helpful feedback. The second one is currently on trial with them also. I will write up a more comprehensive post on making nappy covers once I have my pattern and technique finalised.


With so much still to sew for the baby I should probably stop writing about it and get to the machine! Come back soon for more baby sewing to come.

Happy Sewing :)


Bibs and More


New Sewing Room!