New Sewing Room!

Hi guys, sorry for the long drought in posts you've been experiencing. My husband, Aaron, and I bought and moved into our first house over Easter and so at first I was busy packing and cleaning up our rental, then moving, more cleaning of the old place, and finally unpacking and setting up at the new place!


So unfortunately with everything happening sewing had to take a bit of back seat these last couple of months. Until just a few days ago my sewing room was still just a pile of boxes. I am now slowly starting to get things sorted and organised into a usable room now.


And of course what sewing room would be complete without a bar? The bar will be going eventually, till then I will just have to work around it.


I was planning on getting some more organising and sorting happening in here next week with some time I had off work, however I was somehow convinced into picking up an extra three shifts, so my time off has suddenly reduced greatly! It will happen though, eventually my room will be all set up and be the perfect sewing space for me. Till then, it is at least now usable, so be on the look out for sewing projects coming soon!

Happy Sewing :)


Pads, Nappies, and a Baby!


Projects, Projects Everywhere!