Projects, Projects Everywhere!

Last week was week 11 of the 52 Week Sewing Challenge. The challenge was to sew something other than clothing and as I was in need of a new oven mitt, that's what I made. This was a rather quick and easy sew and nice and bright and cheerful too.



This week's challenge is to sew a women's pattern of some description. I'm not really much of a dress maker and have so far only made myself one dress, however I thought it was time to give it another go. All that's left now is the buttons, button holes and hem, which I'll hopefully get done tomorrow after work.


And finally this week, I've had a friend over who I've been helping to learn to sew. So far we've made some pants together, a bag, and some cushion covers for her sister. Now Jess is working on a beautiful table runner for herself. I am really quite impressed with how well all her seams have been matching up. It's looking really great so far and I can't wait to see it finished.


That's all that's been happening in my sewing room this week. Check back in next week to see what I make for the "Something with a Collar" challenge.

Happy Sewing!


New Sewing Room!


Sewing Cloth Pads