Fancy Seams

I missed posting anything last week. What with being away at the beginning of the week, spraining my ankle pretty badly, getting sick and also working I just ran out of time and motivation to take photos, edit them and then write up a story. In fact I only just finished last week's challenge item on Sunday. But I'm back now and feeling much better. I'm even walking like a normal person again, woo hoo!

So last week was week 5 of the 52 week sewing challenge. The task was to sew something with fancy seams. While I wouldn't count these seams as super fancy, they are at least fancier than your average day seam, so I thought I'd count them.

I really loved the little overalls I made for week 4 and so I thought I'd try out the skirt option of the same pattern, and really love it too!

I've had this cute cherry fabric in my stash for a while now, just waiting for the perfect project. I wish I could buy more of it, it's just so cute, however I don't even know where it came from as I got it from my sister's fabric stash when she moved overseas. I had been thinking of making either a little girl's simple pinafore type dress or overalls with it, and so combined the two and made overalls with a skirt bottom instead.

This adorable pattern is the I Dig Dungarees (Overalls) by Made by Jack's Mum.

Visit back soon to see this week's completed challenge item. I even got to do some quilting on this one!

Happy sewing!


Quilted Zipper Pouch


Something Red