Quilted Zipper Pouch

Are you constantly losing things around your sewing room too? Scissors, fabric pens, rotary cutter, small rulers? Mine always seem to be hiding on me and so for my week 6 challenge to "sew something to make sewing easier" I thought I'd make a zipper pouch to hopefully help keep these items in check.

I decided to make it in stripes because stripes are fun and it was also a great way to practice a few different free-motion quilting patterns. While my ribbon candy definitely needs some more work, I'm really happy with my feather and swirls. I think I'm finally ready now to try out some feathers on a real quilt!


Once the quilting was done I sewed it all up into the finished zipper pouch below. My pattern needs a little tweaking, but I'm pretty happy with it. I'll get to work on adjusting my pattern soon so I can get a tutorial on it up here for you all, so watch this space!

If you'd like to check out the 52 Week Sewing Challenge I'm part of you can join the Facebook group here. I'm really enjoying being a part of this challenge. It is fun to try out different things each week instead of just my usual quilting. Although I really do need to get back to work on quilting up my bugs and flowers quilt.

Happy Quilting!


Sewing Cloth Pads


Fancy Seams