One Elephant, Two Elephant, Egbert, Geraldine.

So, I bet you're all wondering what each of my elephants' names are... No? Well, let me tell you anyway. I knew right from the start that each elephant would need a name of its own, however it took a while to decide on them. I first had to watch and wait for their individual personalities to come out as they were created. Some elephants had 3 or 4 different names given to them before we finally settled on them.


I was having a bit of trouble coming up with the perfect names and so took my elephant blocks with me on a visit to my parents and spread them out on the dining table. With the help of my mum, brother and sister the elephants were examined and circled multiple times and these are the names we ended up with:

Top row: Percival, Mortimer, and Penelope

Second row: Gavin, Sylvia, and Maverick

Third Row: Matilda (Tilly), Mumfred, and Geraldine

Forth Row: Egbert, Arthur, and Frank

My elephant quilt is now almost finished. I love the colourful sashing and binding that just "pops" out at you. It is bound and quilted in the ditch, now all that needs to be done is some more quilting in each of my elephants' squares and a label on the back. However these final touches might have to wait a while as I have another more pressing quilt that needs to be completed and gifted first. Stay tuned for updates!


Free-Motion Practice with Angela Walters


Pride and Prejudice and… Elephants?