Where Has My Time Gone?

Hello everybody! Long time no talk. Sorry about that, but as you can probably tell from this post's title I have found myself lately with very little spare time to be able to get posts written up and photos edited for you.

So exactly what have I been doing to neglect this blog so much? Well, a lot of singing songs, building block towers, changing nappies, washing nappies, cooking, gardening, cleaning, planning activities for the Brownies, throwing the dog's ball, and also a little sewing thrown in.

I am proud to say that I have kept up with both the 52 Week Sewing Challenge and the Aussie 52 Week Sewing Challenge on Facebook so far this year, making all sorts of things including cloth wipes, a dress for Evangeline, coats for both myself and Evangeline, bowl cosies, and all sorts of fun things. Although I have rejected quite a few of the international challenges and sewn something different instead, I have sewn at least one item each week this year to enter into the challenges, often two items, one for each challenge.

I have greatly enjoyed entering in these challenges each week and it has certainly encouraged me to keep up with my sewing and complete lots of projects, which has been great! On the down side however, most of my sewing time has been spent working out what to sew to complete the challenges, and then of course sewing these items. This has left me with very little time remaining for designing and sewing my quilting projects. As such, I'm not sure if I will be doing the challenges next year or not, as I really would like to focus more time on developing my quilting patterns, we'll have to see.

I have also just added a new page to this website. If you look at the top of the page at the tabs you will find a tab labelled "Patterns". This is where I will be collating all my patterns for easy access for you. Currently there is only one pattern there, Calling All Trunks, however I hope to have a new pattern up for you by the end of next week.

I was hoping to have another quilt pattern finished by now, however I ended up putting that quilt in the I-don't-even-want-to-look-at-you corner for months after making a huge mistake in it! That mistake has now been rectified however, and I have resumed work on the quilting. It will still be a good number of weeks before it is finished though, and then there's still the pattern itself to write!


To try and keep me on track with my posts, I have just been working on a list of ideas and tutorials I would like to put up here. Coming soon will be some posts for beginner quilters, some instructions for common quilt blocks and of course some more general "what's happening in my sewing room" posts. So come back soon to see what's happening!

Happy sewing.


Nativity Advent Calendar


Pattern Shop Open