Nativity Advent Calendar

Hi all, firstly, I'm sorry. I said last post I had a pattern for you that I would be getting out and it hasn't happened. It hasn't happened because I suddenly came to the realisation that Christmas is Coming! And before it gets here I need to get this Nativity Advent Calendar that's been bouncing around in my head for months now actually designed and made before December first! I'm also hoping to get it finished in time to get the pattern out for all of you, finger crossed! So my zipper pouch pattern that I was going to get out for you has had to be placed to the side for the moment while I focus on Christmas, because Christmas waits for no one!

This Nativity Advent Calendar idea came to me around Christmas time last year. I was pregnant with my first beautiful little baby and dreaming of future Christmases with my children, and saw them playing with a felt nativity scene hanging on the wall. Since then the idea has been hanging around taking up valuable real estate in my brain until I suddenly realised that I need to get it out now before I'm too late for this year!


My mother has made advent calendars for some of her other grandchildren previously, and I loved the idea of having a family one that we could look forward to hanging up every year. And then I thought wouldn't it be even better if our advent calendar was also a nativity scene to remind us all of the Christmas story every day leading up to Christmas!

So I grabbed my pencil and paper and started drawing all the characters that have been just dying to get out for months now. I haven't quite decided on the background and pockets of my calendar yet, I have however got most of my characters not only drawn but already sewn up and ready to go.

Well, I'd better get back to work. Today I'm going out to try and find some felt to use for the background, hopefully they have a suitable colour for me.

Happy sewing!




Where Has My Time Gone?