Quilting the Cornrows

I've not been able to find the time lately to come on here and tell you all about my sewing, though to be honest I wouldn't have had much to tell anyway as I've hardly stepped inside my sewing room at all these past few weeks! For a little while there I was working crazy hours, and then I went away for a week, then I was working crazy hours again and now I'm back to normal. Well normal for me anyway with my random shift work hours.

Two days ago I finally got back to my quilting and I sewed most of the day away! I've got most of the corn row quilt quilted now and am quite happy with it.


I thought I'd leave my markings in this picture for you to see. I love the swirl pattern that I used in the wider rows of white. I alternated the direction of my swirls with each row and so each time I had to draw out the first couple of swirls just to get my head around the direction of the pattern before continuing on quilting the rest of the row free hand.

I've had lots of fun practising my free-motion quilting on this quilt, I particularly like the rows of wish bones and the border so far. I like the contrast of the straight line quilting in the border to all the curves in the body of the quilt. I just need to decide now how to quilt the other triangles in my border. That will have to wait for another day though as right now I need to try and get in an afternoon nap in preparation for night shift tonight.

Happy quilting!


Cornrow Quilt Finished!


Cornrow Quilt