Exciting Things on the Way
Hi Everyone, welcome back to my blog!
Even though it’s been a few weeks since posting here, I have been quite busy in my sewing room. Lately I have had a friend of mine over a few times working on her first quilt. Kaila has been doing a wonderful job and has nearly finished her quilt top now, with just one and a half borders left to go.
Although I haven’t actually done a lot of sewing lately, I have still been hard at work. I have recently got my YouTube channel up and running and have my first two videos now available for viewing. This has been quite a long time in the working, and I still have a lot to learn about filming and editing, but at least I have made a start! My first video is just a short introduction to me and some of my plans for my channel, my second video is the first in a beginner quilt series in which I will be demonstrating how to make a beginner level quilt from start to finish. This second video was on fabric choice for the quilt, my next video will be showing how to cut the fabric for the quilt blocks. I will be continuing making videos on how to make this quilt, titled “In The Box” until it is finished, and then I think I will move on to some tutorials for particular quilt blocks, probably starting with half-square and quarter-square triangle blocks.
In The Box quilt example.
Beyond working on my YouTube videos I have also been trying to work out a plan for my next quilt. While I have a basic idea in my mind, I have been struggling with figuring out the specifics of how to go about it. This quilt is actually for my friend Kaila’s baby girl who is due to be born next month. So I really need to make a start!
And finally the last thing happening is I have finally sorted out my cupboard plans for my room and have placed an order with Ikea. I was planning on having a local company build them for me, however everyone is so backed up with work that most aren’t even doing any quotes for months! And so I decided to just do it myself instead. My order should be delivered this Friday, so exciting! Fingers crossed it turns out well!
Well, I think that’s about all that’s been happening lately, well sewing related anyway. This week I am hoping to get my next video up as well as get a start on my new quilt. Hopefully next week I’ll also have some photos of my new cupboards for you.
So, till next time, Keep On Stitching!